Rotem Reshef. Golden Brown, 2017. Diluted acrylic and mixed media on canvas. 70 x 60"
Rotem Reshef is a painter and installation artist, based in New York and Tel Aviv, Israel.
Her “ghostly” photogram-like compositions present the remains of natural and artificial objects that were part of the creation process and removed upon completion. Reshef’s contemporary fossils allude to ecological and climatic impacts on local flora and vegetation, but also suggest an introspection towards humans’ emotional and bodily reactions to color, texture, and the elusive representation of absence. In current times of political turmoil, much of which has a close relationship with environmental issues, Reshef’s paintings aim to encompass not only distress but also eruptions of beauty, growth, and disappearance. She works from the tension between temporality and the eternity of the cycle of life.
Reshef’s forthcoming solo exhibition “Arcadia” will open at the Katonah Museum of Art, NY, in October 2019. Her work has been exhibited in solo and group exhibitions at the School of Visual Arts (SVA), New York; Scope Miami Beach, Miami, FL; La Biennale di Venezia, Venice, Italy; Kwan Fong Gallery, California Lutheran University, Thousand Oaks, CA; Tall Wall Space, University of La Verne, CA; Soho House, West Hollywood, CA; Artists House, Tel Aviv, Israel; San Diego Art Institute, San Diego, CA; FSU Museum of Fine Arts, Tallahassee, FL; and Susan Eley Fine Art, New York, among others. She has an MA from the Reinwardt Academy, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, and a BA from Hamidrasha Beit Berl School of Art, Ramat-Hasharon, Israel.
Scroll of Perseverance, 60” x 720”, 2017, Diluted acrylic and mixed media on canvas
Scroll of Perseverance, 60” x 720”, 2017, Diluted acrylic and mixed media on canvas
Phantom Stream, 2016, installation view
Golden Brown, 70”x 60”, 2017, Diluted acrylic and mixed media on canvas